Changed of mind, changed of heart...
I'm the most stupid girl on earth, I think! I keep on hoping and expecting on someone to commit himself to me. I was doing this for a long time already. This has to stop. I think now is the right time. I have a changed of mind and a changed of heart. I don't want him anymore. I am tired of him. I don't have interest on him. He will remain my friend. But it will be just that. I've given him the chance to be with me but I guess he is not ready. No, he is just not that into me. Just like in the movie. No more excuses, no more alibis for me.
At least, I would not have a heartache. I will be free. Nobody imprisoned me anyway. I did that to myself. I allow myself to be hooked up on someone who is not hooked up on me. It is just a one-way feeling. I believe that there's always somebody out there who would love me truly. But for now, I have to enjoy what I have. I have my family and friends who constantly love me. That's enough for now. When the right man comes, he will surely comes.
I've been with this feeling on and off. I am in a roller coaster ride and so goes with my feelings. If will not let go now, I will hurt myself more. I am letting him go. Anyways, lots of blessings are coming my way. Life is good to me. I am happy about it. Love will surely come in very soon. Just thinking positive. =)
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