Hot Head..

A problem will not be solved with a hot temper! I would only lead to more trouble. I've realized that if he is not in the mood, I just have to stay away from him and let him cool down. This would prevent us from hurting each other.

I have a late reaction on things or events. It would take some time before everything will sink in to me. I don't know if it's good. But at least if he is angry, I will not clash on him since I don't react immediately. But on some point it is not good because I did not fight or speak up right away to clear things.

It is just me. I am not good in oral recitation. I am good in writing. That is why I am good in writing a message of my emotions and feelings towards him. I can't verbalize right away how I feel. But I should practice more in oral so that I can defend myself right away...


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