Face Powders I've Tried..

I've tried different face powders. I am a Nichido face powder girl before. Their face powder is nice. Affordable too. I've used it for a long time. Then a friend of mine gave me a face powder from Taiwan. It was his gift to me when he went there for a vacation. It was also good. The texture of the face powder was smooth. It lasted for about a year to me. It smells good too. Right now, I am using the Maybelline Face Powder. It was recommended by Tew and i like it. It's true to its word. It has lasting oil control and has silky smooth texture. It has SPF 18. And it is affordable too. Although its content would not last that long, it is still worth the price. It gives my face a certain glow and a smooth even skin tone. I think i would stick to it for a longer time..


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